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Grow your business and connect to more U.S movers, first.
Grow Your Business

We can connect you to millions of movers in the U.S., first.

MYMOVE’s exclusive relationship with USPS® gives us the unique ability to connect over 35 million moving Americans a year with brands like yours.
MYMOVE's mover data timeline

Get early and exclusive access

MYMOVE connects your business to movers when they change their address with USPS®. We guarantee exclusive access to movers long before other marketing agencies.

The average moving household spends about $10,000 in the first three months on goods and services for their home.

The 🐼MYMOVE platform allows you to contact movers during a time when they’re switching services and spending more.

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    +35 Million MYMOVE’s exclusive relationship with USPS® means your brand can be seen by over 35 million movers each year. The mover audience surpasses all other life stages, such as starting college, getting married, and having first babies.
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    $410B $410B in retail spending occurs within a year of the move. Ensure you’re reaching movers in the right place at the right time.
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    8 Weeks $240B in spending occurs within the eight weeks around move day. Advertisers must reach movers pre-move, and MYMOVE is the only source to do so.
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    22X More Movers are 22x more likely to switch service providers because everything in the new home must be re-activated: internet, home security, TV, and electricity.
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    1st to Reach Our programs reach movers throughout their journey (pre-move, move-day, and settling in). We’re the 1st in the new home, long before other providers.
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    We Do It All We have full-time resources to support your program: creative, data science, email, and data integration.
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    We Deliver Your metrics are our metrics. We craft all of our programs to suit the specific KPI’s that drive your business.

Ensure your brand appears throughout the mover journey

When you partner with us, you can access movers before, during, and after their move.
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    Connect with movers in this critical period of increased planning, spending, and switching as they prepare for their move.
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    Moving Day

    Make sure your brand is front-and-center as movers choose providers and make big financial decisions.
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    Hyper-spend extends well into the first year. Make sure your business sticks in movers’ minds well after moving day as they establish life in their new home.
Map of moving journey Map of moving journey

Capture movers when they change their address

With Mover's Guide Online, you get premium placement with a digital audience ready to spend. Movers simply change their address, select your offer, and start shopping.

Place your business in official USPS® emails

Get exclusive placement in the official USPS® change-of-address emails to be a part of the entire mover journey.

Introduce your brand at the very beginning of the mover journey

Mover’s Guide is the official USPS® change-of-address packet that’s available in over 32,000 post offices across the country.

Get movers to opt-in to your brand and drive engagement throughout their move

We deliver Mover Access opt-ins directly to your CRM for immediate remarketing. These handraisers are high-intent consumers ready to take action.

Get movers thinking about your brand before moving day

The Move Validation Letter is the only direct mail that reaches the mover’s old home before they leave. Official USPS® branding drives high engagement.

Be the first to reach movers in their new home

The Welcome Kit is the very first piece of mail that arrives at the mover’s new home. Be first in the home and capture the hyper-spending that occurs starting on moving day.

Reach movers as they’re settling in

The Customer Notification Letter arrives after moving day and reaches movers when they’re considering larger purchases, like furniture.

Let MYMOVE take care of your entire email campaign

Show up in mover inboxes from the very beginning. Using our exclusive registration database, you can drive movers straight to your website through branded emails.

Here’s why your business should be targeting movers

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    e-Commerce Retail

    Movers spend 250% more time shopping online and will have orders shipped to their new home, even before they move in.
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    Since movers are 8x more likely to try a new grocery store brand, over a quarter of movers will permanently switch stores post-move.
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    Movers buy mattresses! Almost 40% of all mattress sales ($6B) are from recent movers.
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    Almost 20% of movers will change their auto insurance provider (66% choose the first provider contacted).
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    Nearly 75% of movers will order pizza within a few days post-move. Overall, fast food visits double, triggering a huge increase in visits to quick service restaurants and takeout.
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    Brick & Mortar Retail

    Movers shop at accelerated rates and visit an average of 14 retail stores after the move. That’s over 2x the shopping rates compared to non-movers.
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    Financial Services

    Movers are 8.8x more likely to switch banks compared to non-movers (78% choose the first bank contacted).
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