
How it works

Unpack all things moving with MYMOVE

Get your move on

Keep all the moving parts organized before, during and after Moving Day

Woman packing moving truck


Let's talk about this

If you’re moving, it’s no news to us that you’re likely going through another exciting transition: a new job, a wedding, an addition to the family. To state the obvious: you’ve got a lot going on. That’s why we’ve created a way for you to make your move with as little stress as possible.

Find out more about how MYMOVE can help you below, and then 博天堂918:reach out with any questions along the way.

Mailbox icon

First things first

Change Your Address

The first and most important step you can take for your move is changing your address. This will ensure that your mail is forwarded to your new address and you don’t miss anything. (It’s also a great way♔ to access deals from great brands!)

app change of address screen
Checklist icon

Customized? Check.

Create Your Checklist

There are so many tasks to juggle with a move, and it's hard to decide when is best to get started. When you’re ready to create your checklist, we’ll ask a few questions to make sure the tasks you see are relevant to you and your family. Plus, you can create your own tasks, and add notes as you go.
app checklist screens
Articles icon

Read on

Learn From Moving Experts

There tend to be more questions than answers during a move, so we’ve compiled tips, guides and free. Not sure if you want to DIY your move or hire a service? We weigh the pros and cons for you. Curious about what you can do to sell your house faster? We share trade secrets on that, too. If you have a question, we’ve got the answers.
app recommended articles
TV & Internet icon

Plug & play

Set up or switch TV, Internet & utilities

If you’re anything like us, the idea of settling into a new home without TV or Internet is not an option. (Hot water’s always nice, too.) We’ll help you select and schedule these services for your new home so that you won't spend your first night without your favorite show or working HVAC.
app tv & internet screens
Voter registration icon

Be election-ready

Update Your Voter Registration

We get it — not everyone thinks about updating their voter registration in the middle of their move. “I’ll get to that later,” they say. But checking this off your to-do list now will save you an Election Day headache later — and that gets our vote.
app voter registration screens
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